IMPORTANT: The DMV Has Implemented A New Vehicle Valuing System For Lien Sales In The State Of California.

If the system determines any value of vehicle in which a lien Under $4,000 has been submitted, might actually exceed Over $4,000, then a letter will be sent out to both the Lienholder and the Lien Company. The DMV expects us to respond to these letters. If a letter has been sent out, there are three ways to respond.

  1. Submit the 180 showing the value of the vehicle marked by the Public Agency who ordered the tow.

  2. Have Smart Liens submit a Statement of Facts letter on your behalf stating why you, as the Lienholder, has valued the vehicle Under $4,000. Please note that Smart Liens does not value the vehicle, but the Lienholder does, therefore the statement has to come from you, the Lienholder. To make this new process easier on you we suggest that for any vehicle 2018 or newer, when submitting a lien Under $4,000, you add a detailed description in the Special Note section stating why you have valued the vehicle Under $4,000.

  3. If the lien was improperly submitted Under $4,000, let us know so that we reprocess it accordingly.

Unfortunately, Smart Liens does not know how the DMV’s new valuing system comes to its conclusion on value, therefore not all vehicles will receive the letter. Smart Liens will reach out to each of you when and if a letter does come in to inquire on how you would like to respond. Whether it be with the 180, a Statement of Facts letter or a reprocessing of the lien. Finally, if by the time a letter comes in, the vehicle has been released, then just let us know(: Please note, it is your responsibility as the Lienholder to provide true and correct information to us. Smart Liens will make contact by phone/email to inquire about vehicles with letters. However, if we receive no response, we will assume vehicle has been released, and no further contact will be made either to the DMV or to the Lienholder.

If you have any questions regarding the new DMV system, you may contact us or the Lien Sale Unit directly at:

(916) 657-7617.

Please note this new valuing system is out of our control, and it does affect any and all who process Lien Sales in the State of California. We will continue to stay updated on future changes as the DMV implements them. Thank you!

Example of Letter. Form LSU 33

Smart Liens